Wednesday 31 December 2014

Walking out of 2014...Smiling

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Ring out the grief that saps the mind,
For those that here we see no more,’
-Alfred Tennyson

Goodbye 2014
The excitement for the upcoming year, 2015 has filled the air with a tangible sense of anticipation for a new beginning and a clean slate in all our lives. The ending of 2014 has provided the perfect time to write a commemorative blog post.

In case you were wondering, the recent oodles of posts is due to the fact that we are on vacation, all together, with somewhat endless time to tidy up and finalise posts that we have been sitting on for far too long.

The Bellas have had one very busy year, we’ve - moved in together, been scammed for thousands of Rands, had many international visitors, been in disastrous romances, made the most spectacular mistakes, gotten promotions, forged new friendships, learned new skills, gone on some adventures, lost one among us to the sunny shores of Durban, and in some way we’ve managed to write a few articles that all of you wonderful people have taken the time to read. 

Such pretty blossoms :)
Today we read a post on Facebook that says “I’m going to be doing the same thing in 2015, that I did this year and in 2013.” We guess for some people this may be a good thing. A safe outlook to have - after all change is not for everyone and it is very scary. However, change is inevitable. We are pleased that 2014 wasn’t the same as 2013. Otherwise we would not have had all the experiences we did. Most importantly we would not have learnt so much about each other. We have had a year filled with change. We are not the same people who walked into 2013 and thank goodness for that.

Bubbly Bella
Writing this blog together has helped forge our friendship into something even stronger - accepting criticism, exulting in praise, and coming to agreement on what to include - it's amazing what we can achieve with team work.

Summer time in Africa
With all the ups and downs of everyday life, work pressure, family dynamics etc. this blog has become a safe space for us, to laugh about and reminisce over. (Thanks Internet!)

It has been a wild ride from start to finish and we wouldn't have had nearly as much fun without this space to agonise about and rejoice over.  Heading into 2015 we take with us the knowledge that we have friendship, love and support from our families <3, and a renewed appreciation and love for ourselves. Through it all, we wouldn’t know what to do without each other - to giggle with until 3 am and do the bubble-snot-tragedy-sobbing on top of… We somehow have found this precious gift that is friendship and in every way we are different it makes us stronger and closer. We are calmly and gratefully walking out of 2014 and jumping into 2015.

Please continue to join us on our adventure because 2015 is going to be one for the blogs ;)

To make that easier, “follow” us either here on the blog, on Facebook (barefoot.bellas.7
), twitter (@BarefootBellas3), or Tumblr ( Also don't hesitate to leave comments on our blogs - we want to hear from you.

Happy 2015 everyone!
Thank you for your love.
The Barefoot Bellas.

And Hello 2015!!! (We can't jump :p)

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