Tuesday 30 December 2014

Bossy moves to Durban for now............

It’s the end of an amazing year, tomorrow will be New Years Eve (Party!!!) and we had an amazing Christmas day, Barefoot Bella Christmas, which was memorable and fun (story to follow soon…….) we were all excited about Christmas, we spent it with our families. Bubbly Bella chose to spend it alone with a book and wine and to be honest I was a bit envious of the quiet day she had, however it’s been a long time since Bossy Bella had spent more than a week with her family this year so she was looking forward to the chaotic fun of cooking Christmas lunch and having relatives over for the day.

It has been three weeks now since Bossy has been home, settling in, adjusting to a different pace, hiding out at home before finally making contact with Durban friends again. She is realising that the best part of growing up apart from being able to choose ‘your people’  and I love all my people they all have a special place in my heart but the best part is finding a home and a harmony with those people. It takes a special connection, perhaps  planned by the great big universe.

Night before departure just toiletries left
The shelves are looking empty :(
 It’s been a year of immense growth and I believe that to be true for all the Bellas, we grew stronger together and individually, our friendship and love for each other blossomed and will continue to blossom no matter how far apart we are from each other.

Even though being home is great and probably where I need to be right now for whatever reason. I miss having my special people with me, staying up til the wee hours of the morning is not fun anymore. I have to blog alone sans vegetarian Nachos a la Brainy Bella and no-one to attack me with hugs and kisses a la Bubbly Bella :).

Bossy Bella before boarding
 I moved to Durban but my heart is still with my Bellas and maybe one day after traveling we will flip a coin pick a country settle into a three storey house (shot gun top floor ;p) with a garden, a trampoline, a pool and a porch swing.

Much love and light

Bossy Bella <3

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