Sunday 29 June 2014

New Experiences - Frenzi and African Cucumber

On Friday the 7th of June the Bellas headed to Cedar Square in Fourways to meet Kevin (the Bubbly Bella met Kevin over Tinder – more about that next blog), Jeremy, Roberto, Thando, and Samantha for dinner. The venue chosen was Frenzi – an authentic Italian restaurant.

The chef and owner is a giant Italian man who spoke with Roberto in Italian for ages. (One of the Bellas seriously needs to learn Italian…)

The Bubbly and Bossy Bellas ordered Penne Arrabiatta, which is a pasta with tomato, chilli, and garlic. The Brainy Bella ordered the Gnocchi di patate Pasticciati, which turned out to be non-vegetarian with a Bolognese sauce. The pasta was served in beautiful non-symmetrical bowls and seemed to the Bellas South African senses to be practically perfect. Roberto, our Italian guide for the evening, praised the food that he said was almost as good as that made in Italy.

Our only complaint was the rectangular table… A round table would have facilitated the flow of conversation far better. Despite this minor inconvenience the Bellas managed to converse with all of the table members. All of the party members were interesting and conversation ranged from the meaning of the phrase dolce far niente to hobbies and fabric shopping.

For dessert the Bossy and Brainy Bellas tried the tiramisu. Heavenly!

The party dispersed a few hours later with hugs and kisses. Promises were made to meet up again sometime in the future…

In the same vein of food thought, have you ever seen an African cucumber? Che figata!  The Bellas hadn’t until one of the Bossy Bellas students (who is three years of age) handed the strange piece of vegetation over to her, with much glee; the present had been wild grown on their small holding just west of Johannesburg.

The fruit is oblong; orange and green with blunt spikes all over the surface. Once opened it is a startlingly green colour with seeds somewhat like a pomegranate. But! It tastes like a banana with a hint of citrus tang. It is the platypus of fruit.

We shall say Ciao! with a photograph of our cucumber, thank you for reading!

The cucumber in all its glory

Much love and light

The Barefoot Bellas

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