Thursday 1 May 2014

South African Adventures - Gold Reef City

Petrified screams, candy floss and popcorn-this must be an amusement park!

We spent the day at Gold Reef City in Johannesburg. On our journey of getting out there and living the three of us jumped out of bed bright and early (ahem-8 am) and headed on out to this awesome playground in our land of Gold. Situated in the South of Johannesburg this Gem is a theme park, hotel. casino, and well of historical brilliance.

The Bellas

It was a picturesque day, with a bright sun and a cool breeze- perfect for 'trekking' through the paved boulevards around the stalls and rides (shops, museums, restaurants and theatres).
Our ride itinerary was as follows:
                                                  1. Giant Wheel
                                                  2. Tower of Terror
                                                  3. Dream Boat
                                                  4. Wave Swing
                                                  5. Raging Rapids
                                                  6. 4D Theatre
                                                  7. Wave Swing
                                                  8. Lazy Boats

To touch on a few, the Giant wheel is the highest ride in the park, it is lovely and lazy and a fantastic way to ease the vertigo prone adventurer into the day. A HUGE plus is the panoramic view of the surrounding buildings and mines and the Johannesburg skyline.

Giant Wheel
Then.....the Tower of Terror, (holy bananas) this ride is aptly named. Absolutely terrifyingly exhilarating 5 minute roller-coaster ride that drops you down a mine shaft-straight down!!!- and spits you out the other end safe and strapped in but a proud owner of jellified legs.

The Bellas then strap themselves into what appear to be playground mulitcoloured swing seats, with much giggling, until the contraption hoists their lovely bottoms into the air and begins to swing them in a circle. Our favourite ride of the day hands down, we like our lovely bottoms being hoisted :).

Wave Swing
In summary the day was fantastic. It was an amazing fun adventure! The company was by far the best thing as always- but the weather food and fun contributed much.

We hope on your travels you get a chance to spend a day at Gold Reef City, for more information check out their website

Much Love and Light,
The Barefoot Bellas

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