Sunday 11 May 2014

South African Adventures - We Made Our Mark

As has happened every five years since April 27 1994, South Africa went to the polls to vote in the National Elections. In the lead up to the big day, it has been interesting to note the varied reactions and responses to the many political party campaigns and rallies that have taken place over the last few months.

The people of South Africa have been generally unhappy about a few things for some time now - from undelivered school books, e-tolls, to President Jacob Zuma’s latest scandal: the Nkandla complex security upgrades. Sensing the dissatisfaction of the people, parties new and old are all calling for change. Even the current ruling party’s campaign is centered on change whilst still reminding us of its many accomplishments.

For a young democracy we have come a long way and the ruling party (the African National Congress -ANC) has worked hard to try to clean up the mess that apartheid left behind. Some would say that they have done a great job and others would venture to say that the ruling party has failed. However we all need to remember that it’s only been twenty years. Yes, South Africa has grown over the last twenty years and we have accomplished much but there is still yet a whole lot more work and persevering ahead of us if we are ever to fulfill the vision that Nelson Mandela had for our beautiful South Africa.

With all this and other factors that we kept in mind, the Bellas knew they wanted to vote for change. The kind of change that is inclusive, that will bridge gaps and truly unite us as a country, as a people, in spite of our backgrounds, race or language, so we can become a strong and prosperous nation. As we sat in the lounge the night before the elections discussing voting day, the possible outcomes and the different parties, the Brainy Bella brought to our attention a questionnaire that was discussed on a local radio station (Jacaranda FM) that day called ‘Know Your Party’.

This questionnaire, posted originally on the News24 site, aimed to help identify the political party that is most closely aligned with your beliefs. The Bellas proceeded to go through the questionnaire intrigued to see what the results would be for each of us. Still uncertain who would get the Bossy Bellas' “X” next to their picture we went to sleep. On the 7th of May we woke up bright and early, well maybe not so bright and not so early (Voting stations opened at 7am), to go to our voting station with hopes to get there first. When we got to our voting station around 7:30am the queue snaked all around the block, with voters eager to make their mark and enjoy their public holiday. Since we live close to our voting station we decided not to stay but to return later in hopes that the queue would have decreased substantially. The Bubbly Bella decided, in light of the lengthy queue, to drive to the voting district she was originally registered in and so she set off to go make her mark.

As the remaining Bellas headed home to wait for the queue, we ran into the Bubbly Bella who had taken a wrong turn and had managed to get herself lost *nods head rolls eyes.* The Bubbly Bella made it to her voting station and made her mark before 11am. In the interim we had made our way home and climbed back into bed. Hours later we returned to our voting station and decided to stick it out and wait in the queue, despite no substantial receding in the line. The closer we got to the gate the more unsettled the Bossy Bella felt as she was not sure which party to vote for. Brainy Bella and Douglas (her brother) seemed fine - they even got into an hour long discussion about Marvel superheroes, fantasy books, and characters as we progressed closer to the front of the queue. At the stations out thumbs were marked with special ink, our names were crossed off and we were handed two ballot papers - one for the Provincial vote and the other for the National vote.

Our marks were made in a small IEC booth with observers from the various competing parties. We then deposited our ballot papers in the boxes and made our way home. The Bossy Bella couldn’t help but wonder if our time and the effort expended to make our choices and voices heard would make a difference in the end...

Whether or not we influenced the final results in any meaningful way, we all feel that as citizens of this beautiful country with such rich history it is our duty to fight to make it a better place.

Much love and light,
The Barefoot Bellas

Friday 9 May 2014

South African Adventures - International Travellers

The evening we arrived back from our Durban trip and the night before the Gold Reef City visit, the Bellas headed across Johannesburg to collect a Christine from the O.R. Tambo International Airport.

This particular Christine was arriving from Canada for a short visit to friends and family after having been away for just under a year. Before she left to study pre-medicine she was the Bubbly Bella's roommate.

Point to note - it is apparently extremely difficult to get a visa for Canada if you are South African. One can only assume university students are tough to get rid of...

We arrived at the airport half an hour early with no clue which flight Christine was arriving on - all we knew was that she should land at 9 o'clock. After a mishap with closed parking and spiral ramps, the Bellas proceeded along lengths of corridor to the large, circular holding ce... waiting area. Rows of chairs, packed with people anxiously and excitedly awaiting their loved ones arrivals (must stop channeling Love Actually).

It took hours. Boredom creeps up about 10 minutes in... We resort to painting our nails and commenting on the passing uniforms (consensus is that Emirates has style). Finally, after a couple of hours and at least two planeloads of non-Christine people, we see her. It takes a moment but she recognises us and we have a moment of running and screaming - very Hollywood.

The Bellas and the Christine

After the initial excitement and catching up, it turns out that Christine has hired a taxi and the Bellas transport services are not required. Tentative plans made - Exit stage left.

This brings us to the second of our international travellers - Gareth. An old friend (if two and a half years is old?) who is leaving South Africa as the Christine arrives.

Our Gareth (duckface much!)

After a lengthy process requiring interviews, papers flying across the world, and many trips to the embassy, he is finally set to leave for Xi'an, China. Why the trip to the Land of the Setting Sun? Well, apart from it's fascinating history and many beautiful sites, it is also a great place to start teaching English.

Until recently it was easy to get a job teaching in China. It is relatively easy to obtain a visa and the process takes on average three days. The longest part of the process is the background check run by the South African government to ensure the legitimacy of the job offer. Recent legislative alterations, however, require a minimum of two years teaching experience - that our Gareth doesn't have.
Fortunately he is much loved around the Earth and so there were favours granted which enabled him his permits.

In order to bid him auf Wiedersehen before his departure, the Bellas joined him at the Cafe Galini at the Brightwater Commons on Thursday night. A comfortable and cozy spot to enjoy a slice of the best lemon meringue pie the Bellas (and Gareth) have had in ages. The couches of this place have cushioned our lovely bottoms for many an hour over time.

Life is funny like that. We can so easily spend an evening together, completely familiar, completely normal, and yet it is the last, utterly new and strangely disconcerting. Of course there are plans to meet in Shanghai at noon one day with the marigolds blossoming under our reunited feet, but nothing can be certain.

"A pot of tea (without a cup) for our dear friend please!"

A pot of tea in tribute to many thousands of kilometres driven for the sake of a hug and an afternoon on the beach, or perhaps some seafood for the man who doesn't like it? All building blocks for a wonderful friendship and countless laughs (and a few sordid rendezvous - no blushing!).

But it is not goodbye. Merely farewell until we meet again in Shanghai at noon, with the willow trees dancing in the wind (you bring the tea).

Much love and light,
The Barefoot Bellas

Thursday 1 May 2014

South African Adventures - Gold Reef City

Petrified screams, candy floss and popcorn-this must be an amusement park!

We spent the day at Gold Reef City in Johannesburg. On our journey of getting out there and living the three of us jumped out of bed bright and early (ahem-8 am) and headed on out to this awesome playground in our land of Gold. Situated in the South of Johannesburg this Gem is a theme park, hotel. casino, and well of historical brilliance.

The Bellas

It was a picturesque day, with a bright sun and a cool breeze- perfect for 'trekking' through the paved boulevards around the stalls and rides (shops, museums, restaurants and theatres).
Our ride itinerary was as follows:
                                                  1. Giant Wheel
                                                  2. Tower of Terror
                                                  3. Dream Boat
                                                  4. Wave Swing
                                                  5. Raging Rapids
                                                  6. 4D Theatre
                                                  7. Wave Swing
                                                  8. Lazy Boats

To touch on a few, the Giant wheel is the highest ride in the park, it is lovely and lazy and a fantastic way to ease the vertigo prone adventurer into the day. A HUGE plus is the panoramic view of the surrounding buildings and mines and the Johannesburg skyline.

Giant Wheel
Then.....the Tower of Terror, (holy bananas) this ride is aptly named. Absolutely terrifyingly exhilarating 5 minute roller-coaster ride that drops you down a mine shaft-straight down!!!- and spits you out the other end safe and strapped in but a proud owner of jellified legs.

The Bellas then strap themselves into what appear to be playground mulitcoloured swing seats, with much giggling, until the contraption hoists their lovely bottoms into the air and begins to swing them in a circle. Our favourite ride of the day hands down, we like our lovely bottoms being hoisted :).

Wave Swing
In summary the day was fantastic. It was an amazing fun adventure! The company was by far the best thing as always- but the weather food and fun contributed much.

We hope on your travels you get a chance to spend a day at Gold Reef City, for more information check out their website

Much Love and Light,
The Barefoot Bellas