Saturday 16 August 2014

South African Adventures - International Travellers Part 2

Remember the tentative plans made with the Christine when she arrived in Johannesburg? Well consider this the sequel.

After a long day at work (Yes, the Bellas have day jobs - blogging doesn't pay the bills hey, but it’s fun) we headed off for an evening on the town. We were super excited about the evening as we hadn't been out at night in a very long while (way too long).

The first order of business for the evening was to rescue the Brainy Bellas car from the panel-beaters where she had been incarcerated for nearly a month (a month to fix a tow bar? Super mechanics hey :/). Once Jezebel was freed from the clutches of the mechanics we headed to a local Portuguese pub and grill for an early dinner and to (sort of) watch the first match of the Fifa World Cup. Cesco's doesn't look like much from the outside, but inside it is warm and welcoming. The prices are reasonable, the service friendly, and the food - oh, the food is absolutely divine. The Bellas whiled away a pleasant hour or two waiting for the Christine to indicate her availability.

We headed off to fetch Christine from her hotel and then we formed our convoy to Sandton Square.
Now Bossy Bella had never been to Sandton Square and she is not really a fan of malls so we expected her not too impressed comments about the place. These appeared as expected - ‘It’s like every other mall’, ‘The stores here are overly priced’ and last but not least ‘it’s too big’ etc., etc.

The Bellas thought they'd watch The Fault in Our Stars but were too late for the showing; so we settled on Milky lane for a catch up session like only we can do it. We had lots of Sundaes and talked, talked, talked to the wee hours of the night. Christine decided that she didn't want the night to end and so we went in search of a club/lounge to dance the last hour of Friday away.

When we eventually found a likely place, we noticed from all the people inside that we were under dressed to get inside the club. Under dressed for a club! Only in Sandton. (Have to start keeping heels and shimmery tops in the boot now).

We headed to the square so Bossy Bella could see the statue of our late President Nelson Mandela - at least it got her nod of approval (She thought it was beautiful and a fitting tribute for the man and legend). We ended the night by heading on home, with the Christine in tow.

The next day the Bellas and the Christine headed off to see Maleficent (yey!!!!! - All of the Bellas have a love of fairy tales). The Bellas were not disappointed at all - it was a spectacular film. Angelina Jolie was simply amazing in her portrayal of Maleficent (the Bellas have minor girl crushes on her, in case you were wondering). The story was captivating and there were many funny moments that made the story splendid.

Maleficent (2014 movie poster)
Spoiler Alert!!!

It was rather amusing when Prince Philip’s kiss of ‘true love’ failed to awaken Aurora. However rather fitting that Maleficent’s kiss did wake Sleeping Beauty from her slumber. It shows true love doesn't always have to be romantic love, it can be love for family members or love between friends.

Oh and the action is quite epic too.

All in all the Bellas loved Maleficent, we love Angelina Jolie, and the Christine is pretty cool too.

Much love and light,
The Bellas